bandeau egalibex

Freedom of Expression: An Equal Right for All?

International Workshop in Philosophy of Law

November 28-29, 2019


Organized by the Institut de Recherches Philosophiques de Lyon (IRPhiL), the Labex COMOD, and the ANR research program EgaLibEx (JCJC 2018) 


Université Lyon 3 Jean Moulin, Salle de la Rotonde
18 rue Chevreul, Lyon 7ème 


 Thursday November 28, 2019


Chair : Mathilde Unger (Université de Strasbourg)


10:00-10:30: Welcome – Coffee


10:30-10:45: Opening remarks


10:45-12:00: Rae Langton (University of Cambridge): Reimagining Free Speech

Discussant:  Charles Girard (Université de Lyon)


12:00-14:00: Lunch break


14:00-15:15: Thomas Hochmann (Université de Reims): An Inherently homophobic connotation? Regulating offensive speech in French stadiums

Discussant: Mathias Hong (Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg)


15:15-16:30: Maxime Lepoutre (University of Oxford): Hate Speech Laws: Expressive Power is Not the Answer

Discussant: Raphaëlle Théry (Paris Assas)


16:30-16:45: Coffee Break


16:45-18:00: Ioanna Tourkochoriti (National University of Ireland Galway): The Same-Sex Marriage Cake Cases and the “Compelled Speech” Argument


Discussant: Denis Ramond (CERAPS)

Friday November 29


Chair : Christopher Hamel (Université de Rouen)


9:00-9:30: Coffee


9:30-10:45: Frederick Schauer (University of Virginia): Expression, Freedom of Expression, and the Activation of Memory

Discussant: Thomas Hochmann (Université de Reims)


10:45-12:00: Charles Girard (Université de Lyon): Can Freedom of Expression Be Equal for All? The problem of intra-right conflicts.

Discussant: Robert Simpson (University College of London)


12:00-14:00: Lunch break


14:00-15:15: Mathias Hong (Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg): Freedom of Speech as an Equal Right – Some Reflections Comparing the First Amendment, the ECHR and the German Constitution

Discussant: Thomas Perroud (Université Paris Assas)


15:15-16:30: Robert Simpson & Emily McTernan (University College London): Heckling, Free Association, and the Allocation of Communicative Resources

Discussant: Mathilde Unger (Université de Strasbourg)


16:30-16:45: Coffee Break


16:45-18:00: Thomas Perroud et Raphaëlle Théry (Université Paris Assas): Gagging the ‘Mouth of the Law’. The Constraints on Judicial Free Speech


Discussant: Maxime Lepoutre (Oxford University)